美国明尼苏达大学Stefan Liess教授学术报告II: 21世纪城市气候的高分辨预估
题目:High-resolution Urban Climate Projections for the 21st Century
Climate projections from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5) archive for three 20-year periods of the 21st century (2020-2039, 2040-2059, and 2080-2099) and a historical period of 1980-1999 were used to compute high-resolution downscaled versions of regional climate with the comprehensive Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The historical period serves as a benchmark for model errors compared to observed climate. The projections of future climate are then adjusted to these errors to produce a more reliable dataset of climate projections. 6-hourly projections of two different greenhouse gas emission scenarios from seven different general circulation models (GCM) were selected to serve as input to these regional computations. The output is a 1-hourly high-resolution dataset of relevant climate information over a 10 km by 10 km horizontal grid that covers the state of Minnesota and surrounding regions. Similar simulations on the urban scale with much higher resolution of up to 40m are currently prepared. Initial results will be shown in this talk.